Stade de Suisse
3000 BernSwitzerland

Cassette walls are a popular form of construction, especially for hall and industrial façades, partly because they offer optimum sound insulation. Accordingly, this form of metal façade is successfully used in industrial, commercial and sports buildings as well as in infrastructure.
MONTAWALL® cassettes made of steel are suitable for ventilated façade constructions as interior walls and are available in a wide range of dimensions. Further advantages are the low-cost construction, good insulation values and - in the perforated versions - excellent sound insulation values.
Together with its market-leading partners ISOVER, SWISSPOR and SFS, Montana Building Systems Ltd. has optimised and further developed the tried and tested cassette structures manufactured in Switzerland. The MONTAPLUS® and swissporLAMBDA Cassette wall systems combine excellent insulation properties with the many advantages of a ventilated façade construction.